Sunday, August 23, 2020

Slavery :: Slavery Essays

For motivations behind this conversation, it is the aim of this creator to evaluate the situation of African Americans when they were only slaves, prisoners taken persuasively by rich white American vendors to another and weird land called America. Directly from the earliest starting point, bondage was a disputable issue. It was loaded with the consistent token of man's cruelty to man. This was confirm in the writing just as developments, for example, the abolitionists, and one most quite John Brown, who has been depicted as a sort of deranged character, who might persevere relentlessly to see this natural command completed. So also, books, for example, Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe did a lot to fuel the debate that was servitude in the United States. Obviously we currently realize that servitude as it was comprehended in the nineteenth century kept going up until the officiation of the Emancipation Proclamation, or slaves, or now recently articulated African Americans w ere given their opportunity, and their battle expect another heading in endeavoring to pick up balance for themselves. This is a battle which proceeds with today, and isn't significantly less disputable. All things considered, for authentic purposes, I should get a kick out of the chance to additionally endeavor to analyze occasions as they existed around then. Subjection was a training which was highly preferred by the South. In the North, Americans were progressively modern arranged, and had little use for slaves. They could stand to be increasingly moralistic about the issue. In any case, when it went to the situation of land proprietors and Americans who lived in the Southern piece of an exceptionally youthful nation, that was America, they were profoundly distracted with their agrarian way of life. Even George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson had slaves as did a considerable lot of the progenitors of the new nation. It is additionally obvious that a significant number of these people had kids with their Black slaves, and despite the fact that it is likewise a matter of chronicled record that they did free their slaves, if not while they were alive, in their Last Will and Testament. This means subjugation was an issue of financial matters toward the South, and an ethical predicament for those Americans who lived in the North. By the mid-1850's the soul of settlement had everything except disappeared. Northern enthusiasm for Emancipation pushed by abolitionists, dissolved relations between families North and South.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Chutzph Dershowitz essays

Chutzph Dershowitz papers In Alan Dershowitz's epic Chutzpah, he dedicates a whole area to the issue of, and his own emotions about James Pollard. He starts this segment with a portrayal of the manner by which this man was found selling ordered government archives to the country of Israel. Fundamentally this man was a Jewish American covert agent for the Israeli government due to an obligation he felt originating from a mystery unwaveringness he felt toward the country of Israel. Over an broadened timeframe this man sold thousand of mystery reports which in the eyes of Weinberger, the Secretary of Defense for the United States was a Ã'serious breech in national security.ã Dershowitz underscores in extraordinary detail how so as to keep away from a preliminary in which the declassification of these reports would be required, Pollard was constrained to acknowledge a supplication deal in which he would concede, give full divulgence relating to the data he gave over, and discharge all rights to any of his future distributed material that related to the case. In return for these things he would be conceded a proper solicitation by the US government to the appointed authority of the case which would require a limited sentence for him and his significant other. Pollard consented to this arrangement and was happy with it until he gotten a sentence of life in a most extreme security jail and his better half got 5 years in jail. The proof that Dershowitz presents recommends that Pollard got an unjustifiable arrangement, and an a lot harsher sentence than others previously have gotten for comparable violations. Dershowitz st... <!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Cheating and Lying Can Sometimes Be Helpful

Cheating is a blend of lying and taking. At the point when you cheat, you are deceiving others somehow, and that’s lying. Frequently, cheating likewise includes taking data or thoughts that truly have a place with another person. A fundamental meaning of lying, as indicated by the Catechism of the Catholic Church, is â€Å"speaking lie with the aim of beguiling. † There’s additionally a second kind of lying. At the point when you keep down data that you know is vital for someone else to get a genuine image of the circumstance, you are likewise purposefully deluding. Cheating and lying once in a while can be helpful†¦ well maybe†¦ Cheating and lying in the vast majority of the cases are terrible thing, it isn’t great to lye somebody, before that we should figure how we would feel on the off chance that somebody lies us. Also, with the cheating, the equivalent. Be that as it may, when you have some need you don’t consider the others. Undermining test - something that everybody do it in any event once. We as a whole need passing marks and we don’t see as awful thing the undermining test. Cheating in relationship-that’s awful, that is awful inclination and it’s not supportive. There are numerous sorts of cheating and for everybody there is at any rate one method of conning that is useful. Lying-deceiving your folks, possibly some of the time supportive, yet terrible in the event that they discovered; misleading your companions on the off chance that they are actually your closest companions you don’t need to lie them. Lying is consistently for some advantage, for own advantage, or for somebody other†¦ and when that help us to get something or to abstain from something we feel that is useful. Be that as it may, the lying and the cheating aren’t things we should glad with them and utilize all the time.

Marketing management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Promoting the board - Essay Example Today, the client must be made mindful of the item or administration to draw in them. In this manner, there is a need to build up an advertising plan and re-dispatch Plaza. Appropriate Marketing Communication Strategy: Just setting up a showcasing plan won't guarantee viability of the arrangement except if a solid advertising correspondence plan is created. Connecting clients and making them mindful of the administrations being offered is basic subsequently, it will be prescribed to Barry that he ought not think little of the appropriate and supporting advertising correspondence plan. The most obvious piece of any showcasing blend variable is promoting correspondence and any correspondence plan ought to be set in thought to in general advertising system and ought to be founded on track crowd (OUP Website). Concentrate on SMART Objectives: In request to be effective, Barry needs to set showcasing goals and business destinations and the targets ought to be SMART. For instance, if Barry chooses to focus on a client section and creates advertising correspondence plan in like manner, he ought to likewise consider that the focused on client fragment is sufficiently large to accomplish the set degree of deals. Lead Environmental Scanning: It is additionally prescribed to Barry that he should direct outside natural investigation particularly the PESTLE examination to comprehend the earth. To build up a SWOT, it is significant for Barry to lead ecological examination. For instance, Barry ought to assess lawful components, (for example, Health and Safety Regulations), social patterns, monetary conditions, obstruction of legislative organizations in the district, access to innovation and ecological supportability. Direct Competitors’ Analysis: It is additionally prescribed to Barry that he ought not ignore his rivals assuming any. Film is one of the most amusement sports for the individuals and the new motion pictures can generally draw in individuals to films. In the event that crowd of Plaza is exceptionally low, at that point Barry needs to

Monday, July 6, 2020

I Stood There Alone A Close Look at lines 2.730-2.742 of Virgils Aeneid - Literature Essay Samples

In lines 2.730-2.742 of Virgils Aeneid Aeneas is describing the terror that hefelt when he finally realized that Troy was falling to the Greeks. In these ten linesVirgil uses careful diction to create an image of a solitary Aeneas pausing for a briefmoment to observe the demise of his city. By elaborately detailing each of Aeneassthoughts Virgil achieves an effect of time slowing down: To the reader, it seems thatthe frenzied action of a city coming to its knees is slowed down while one mancollects his thoughts. On another level, Aeneas is describing his terror to QueenDido and her court, and he is attempting to evoke a strong sense of pity from hislisteners, the Carthaginians, whom he will soon need to help him build boats. In thispassage, Virgils wording, imagery and subtle parallel meanings help him to create apassage that can be appreciated for the tremendous mental picture it elicits as wellas the numerous interpretations that can be found within it.Virgils precise choice o f words greatly accommodates the metaphoricalmeanings of the passage. In the first line Aeneas says that for the first time thatnight he began to realize the dire state of affairs in that had befallen Troy. Thewords first time indicate that Aeneas has been in a sort of dream state in theevents that occurred previously. Since Aeneas is relating this story to a crowdstating that it is the first time he has felt fear or inhuman shuddering it appearsthat he is bragging about his courage; in other words, neither the ominoussnake-signs of the previous day nor his nightmare of Hector, nor awakening to findhis city in flames, nor his dangerous skirmishes with Greeks were enough to scarethe brave Aeneas. In fact, if night is interpreted to mean the bad luck of war thathas befallen Troy for the past ten years Aeneas is telling the crowd that he was neverscared throughout the entire war with the Greeks! Either way, Aeneas was notscared and did not even realize the desperateness of his sit uation until he saw KingPriam killed. Only then did the inhuman shuddering take him head to foot.Virgils description of Aeneass shuddering as inhuman is interestingbecause it causes the reader to ask What is inhuman? This adjective lends itself to acouple different interpretations. If inhuman is read as not human godlike-then the reader can assume that the gods have filled Aeneas with fear for somereason, possibly to make him flee and save his life. If inhuman is read as nothumane then it is possible that Virgil is pointing out that the Greeks are acting ininhuman ways and are therefore creating an atmosphere in which Aeneas isquaking with inhuman shuddering. Finally, it should be noted that Aeneas didnot willingly shudder. In a brilliant use of a verb Virgil has Aeneas say thatinhuman shuddering took me implying that Aeneas played a passive role inexperiencing fear: Aeneas didnt fear, fear took Aeneas.Virgils careful word choice manifests itself again when Aeneas describeshi mself standing unmanned a word that has several different connotations. Onthe one hand unmanned can be interpreted as meaning that Aeneas is standingalone, without anyone to help him as he watches the blazing conflagration of Troy.On another level unmanned can mean that Aeneas himself has been unmanned,i.e. he is helpless and no amount of manly bravery will get him out of this disaster.In the lines that follow, Aeneas gives a dissertation about his loved ones. Heimagines his father dying in the same fashion as King Priam has just died. It ishard to imagine that Aeneas would be more heartbroken by any other event thanseeing his own father killed by a Greek. By comparing Anchises to King PriamVirgil is inferring that Aeneass love for his kingly father outweighs everything inAeneass heart. Aeneass first thought when he realizes that his homeland is beingdestroyed is to preserve the life of his father, who represents all of the glory andtradition of Troy in its better days. Next , Aeneas thinks of his wife left alone: It ispossible that Aeneas is picturing what Creusas life will be like if he dies in a final,pointless battle with the Greeks. Then Aeneas thinks of his house plunderedwhich signifies the corruption of the household gods another symbol of Trojancivilization. Finally he realizes that there might be danger to little Iulus whorepresents the hope that one day the surviving Trojans will be able to rise again.Danger to little Iulus equals danger to the Trojan race, which will be unable tothrive without a future leader.In the final lines of this passage Aeneas looks about him to see how hiscomrades are dealing with the destruction of their city. Aeneas says But all hadleft me indicating that Aeneas is truly unmanned. Aeneas describes his men asbeing utterly played out a phrase which yields an image of men giving up theirlives in absolute despair because there is no reason left to live. It is interesting thatVirgil chooses the word played out wh en perhaps a more appropriate choicewould be worn out, tired out or fought out. By using played out, however,Virgil suggests that the ten year long war and its culmination on one dreadful nightis like a game in which whoever is played out first loses. Being played out isparalleled in the Iliad when the Greeks are happy to play war games even afterwatching dozens of their countrymen die and in the fifth book of the Aeneid whenthe surviving Trojans participate in warlike games after narrowly escaping the realgame of war. Virgils use of played out gives a morose irony to his next lines inwhich the men are Giving their beaten bodies to the fire/ Or plunging from theroof.The fact that his countrymen are giving up, some even committing suicide,emphasizes the grave situation in which Aeneas finds himself. As he stands andwatches his fellow Trojans kill themselves Aeneas thinks to himself It came tothis,/That I stood there alone. These last two lines indicate that Aeneas is totallyalo ne; no one will help him to fulfil his destiny. In this moment of despair he hasthree choices: to commit suicide like the other men, to make one more fruitlessattempt to save the city and die gloriously at the hands of a Greek, or to run to theunknown path of the future. Virgil subtly commends Aeneass character when hehas Aeneas choose the last, smartest, and possibly riskiest option. Aeneassimultaneously commends himself because he is describing all of this to QueenDidos court, and at that point in the story it is obvious to all that he made the rightdecision.In conclusion, Virgil makes Aeneas seem even braver than before by havinghim admit that he has been taken by fear. Virgil is also able to point out thestrength of Aeneass character by highlighting the fact that unlike other Trojans,Aeneas did not give up by committing suicide. The magnitude of the moment whenAeneas pauses to realize he is scared and think about those whom he loves isenhanced by the vivid imagery Virgil su pplies of a lone man standing in the midst ofthe holocaust of his civilization. By choosing the right words at the right timesVirgil is able to show that Aeneas stands apart literally and figuratively from otherTrojans and that he alone has the mental character to pick up the pieces of hisfatherland and start afresh somewhere else.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Accuracy Of Identification Of Defective Memory Cards - 550 Words

The Accuracy Of Identification Of Defective Memory Cards (Essay Sample) Content: Sample Testing Name: Institution: Sample Testing In the case of Jessica Franciscos paper, the research problem that the study examined the accuracy of identification of defective memory cards from a sample of cards that have been supplied. This resulted into the formulation of the null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis stated that: Probability of finding a defective card was 1% of the cards supplied. The p-value that was used in this case is p = 0.01. The alternative hypothesis stated that: The probability of finding a defective card is 3% of the cards supplied. The z-value obtained was 4.9236 which was higher than the critical value of 2.575. Due to a high z-value, it indicates that the t-value fell far from the mean of 1% and that the null hypothesis was not true. Consequently, the null hypothesis was rejected. When 95 per cent confidence interval is used, it implies that when a sample of 95 memory cards are selected, it will result into a mean closer to the true mean of the total number of memory card s supplied (Steinberg, 2011). In a similar manner, a 99 per cent confident interval implies that when a sample of 99 memory cards are selected, it will result into a mean which is closer to the true mean of all the memory cards supplied. In the study conducted by Lisa Farley, the purpose of the study was to determine the impact of using fidget spinner on the improvement of academic performance of learners. It was based on the view that the use of the fidget spinner has an impact of contributing to an eased post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a reduction in anxiety, and a reduction in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Lee, 2017). The null hypothesis in this study was: there is no change in the grades of a student using fidget spinners. The alternative hypothesis was: fidget spinners increase grades. The expected finding was that children with fidget spinners were more likely to have improved grades. It will be expected that the z-value is greater than the critical z-score for the null hypothesis which shows that the scores of the children without fidget spinners is far away from the mean score. Due to this finding, the null hypothesis would be rejected. The alternative hypothesis would be accepted be cause it is expected that children who use the fidget spinners are experience low levels of anxiety, low level of PTSD, and low AD...

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Importance of Biological Factors in the Development of...

The Importance of Biological Factors in the Development of Gender Identity The biosocial theory suggests that gender identity develops as a result of the obvious biological differences between boys and girls and the hormonal differences between the sexes which can be observed in the foetus from about six weeks (Durkin, 1995). Supporting evidence has been found through animal studies, such as that by Young, Goy and Phoenix (1964) who gave testosterone to pregnant monkeys and found that any female offspring were prone to be unusually aggressive. Evidence is also found in case studies of humans. Imperato-McGinley et al. (1974) studied a family in the Dominican Republic in which four children were born†¦show more content†¦This demonstrates the part played by both hormonal and psychological factors, working against genetic factors , in the development of gender identity. The sociobiological theory argues that males and females look and behave differently because they are driven to behave in ways that maximise their chances to reproduce and pass on their genes. As females produce a limited supply of eggs at some physical cost they must ensure that each reproduction is as successful as possible by selecting a mate with good genes who can provide for them and their offspring. In contrast, males produce large amounts of sperm at almost no physical cost and therefore maximise their chances of passing on their genes through promiscuity. The sexy sons hypothesis argues that females select males who posses characteristics which they would like their sons to inherit, in order that the sons are selected as mates by other females, continuing the genetic line. The handicapping theory suggests that females seek males with robust genes, demonstrated by the males ability to sustain characteristics that incur a physiological cost, such as a peacocks elaborate tai l. Research evidence in support of the sociobiological theory includes Davis (1990) findings that men advertising for a mate emphasise their wealth and other resources and women focus on their own physical attractiveness. Cross-cultural studies,Show MoreRelatedMasculinity And Masculinity : A Patriarchal Society1516 Words   |  7 Pageshypothetically equal. The gender-role identity is the extent of masculine or feminine self-appreciation of an individual (McNeill Petersen, 1985, cited in Fromme Eccles, 1996). Masculinity and femininity described by Deaux (1984) as personal characteristics, activities, behaviours, dispositions, appearances which are acceptable for males or females and established by sociocultural factors, while sex refers only to the physiological dissimilarities. Per biological supposition, gender is fully defined byRead MoreA Deeper Understanding Of Identity Essay1559 Words   |  7 Pagesand more. But it is the combination of these identities that makes every h uman complex and unique. A deeper understanding of identity requires organizing identities into two categories: factual and non-factual. Factual identities include features and attributes that could be seen with naked eyes or measured with instruments, such as race and age. Non-factual identities, like gender identity (different from the idea of biological sex) and social identity, are malleable because they depend on actionsRead MoreGender Differences Within Social Development1747 Words   |  7 Pagesinform the reader of the gender differences through social development. Depending on a child’s gender, things such as gender identity and social acceptance have a great impact in their development. The first thing parents learned about their children before birth is the sex of the baby. This highlights the importance of sex and gender. Sex differences have long been a very important topic in psychology and in understanding why gender differences affect social development. Social learning theoryRead MoreErickson s Theory Of Development1382 Words   |  6 Pagespsychosocial development beyond childhood and theorized that the ego itself is shaped and transformed not only by biological and psychological forces, but also social factors. This was a new perspective because Freud s theory didn t use any other factors for development. Erickson s â€Å"linked biological urogenital zones with particular mode of ego functioning and demonstrated how self and identity are biological, physical, logical, and socially determined.†(Berzoff, 2011) Erickson saw development occurringRead MoreCultural Sensitivity And The Therapeutic Relationship1361 Words   |  6 Pagesculture as a complex social concept, which encompasses socially transmitted communication styles, family customs, political systems, and ethnic identity held by a particular group of people (p. 113). It is what brings people together, and it is also what sets them apart. Cultural diversity is broad in the sense that ‘culture’ can include our religion, gender, sexual orientation, history, education and traditions and beliefs. For decades, healthcare leaders and educators have recognized that culturalRead MoreGay Culture As My Study Intercultural Communication1693 Words   |  7 Pagespanromantic homosexual; meaning, he is sexually attracted to men, but romantically attracted to all genders. People all around the world fall victim to violence and inequality – some suffer torture, some even executed – because of who they choose to love, their appearance, or who they are. Our sexual orientation and gender identity are fundamental characteristics of ourselves, and that should never be factors for suffering from abuse or discrimination. Homosexuality is all over the world; coincidentallyRead MoreWhat Is Identity? Who Defines Such, And How Is It Constructed?1570 Words   |  7 PagesWhat is identity? Who defines such, and how is it constructed? The Oxford English dictionary, describes identity as â€Å"being who, or what a person is, and the characteristics determining who, or what that person is.† But, identity is much more complex than its dictionary definition. Although the word â€Å"identity† is used correctly in everyday discourse, its meaning is not captured by the definition. Identity has a double sense, it can refer to one’s self, a personal identity; but at the same timeRead MoreLifespan Development945 Words   |  4 Pages* Lifespan development is the field tha examine pattern of growth, change, and stability in behavior. (womb to tomb) * Major topical Areas (Physical Dev., Cognitive Dev., Personality Dev., Social Dev.) * Physical- Body and the brain. * Cognitive- Growth and behavior * Personality- Stability and change * Social- interaction and relationships grow * Cultural factors and developmental diversity * Broad factors * Orientation toward individualism orRead MoreHomosexuality Is Not A Choice For Adults963 Words   |  4 PagesBiological Based Homosexuality Over the past few decades, there has been controversy over the topic of homosexuality. Many people believe that there are homosexuals make the choice to be homosexual. On the contrary, several studies show that there are genetic factors that lead individuals toward a homosexual preference. The rights of people who are homosexual are becoming more progressive and are almost equivalent to those who are heterosexual in the United States. Homosexuality is a biologicalRead MoreGender Inequality Between Men And Men876 Words   |  4 PagesAnalyze, and reflect in terms of ideologies that dictate the role to be fulfilled by men and women in society, creating gender inequalities in the exercise. Now it seems that the struggle for a new human identity from the biological fact, is reaching, however, what is really difficult is to be able to act and be seen as human beings with equal chance of development and freedom for both women and men. While it builds the structure and culture around sexu al difference of individuals that form in every

Difference Between Rsa And Mvp Classification Analysis And...

1.1 What is representational similarity analysis? Representational similarity analysis (RSA) is an analysis framework builds on a rich psychological and mathematical literature, in which multi-channel measures of neural activity are quantitatively related to each other and to computational theory and behavior by comparing RDMs. RDM is the representational dissimilarity matrix, which contains a cell for each pair of experimental conditions. Each cell is a number reflecting the dissimilarity between the activity patterns associated with the two conditions. The core of the of RSA is to use RDM as a signature of the representations in brain regions and computational models (Kriegeskorte, Mur, Bandettini, 2008). 1.2 The differences between RSA and MVP classification analysis and the new information that can be obtained from representational similarity analysis that is not revealed by MVP classification or univariate analysis. RSA is a particular versatile version of MVPA. It goes beyond testing of information in regional response patterns and enables researchers to handle condition-rich experiments without predefined stimulus categories, to test conceptual and computational models, and to relate representations between humans and monkeys, and even to related across different types of brain activity measurements. 1.2.1 Major differences: 1) MVP classification analysis focus on the representations of the brain associated with experimental

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The United States And Japan - 1622 Words

The decade before World War II saw economic depression grip the most powerful nations on the world. The United States and Japan were no exceptions to this, with one major difference. As an island nation, Japan lacked the resources and raw materials necessary to expand its military and heavy industry, a popular strategy for ending depression and stimulating economic recovery and expansion. As such, Japan turned to military conquest and imperialism to gather the necessary resources. Standing in the way was an impediment long-seen as an obstacle to the Japanese military leadership – the United States. The oil embargo enacted under President Franklin Roosevelt, preventing Japan from receiving oil exports from its largest supplier, proved to be a tipping point that coalesced military strategy around the need to bring war to the American homeland. Along with its overly-ambitious military hopes in the quest to expand an empire recovering from economic depression and in dire need of r esources and raw materials, the Japanese leaders underestimated the will of the Unites States and its allies in fighting a war against their aggression. Mistaking isolationist tendencies for â€Å"softness,† the Japanese failed to consider the rallying effect Pearl Harbor would have on the American spirit, ultimately catalyzing the transformation of the United States from an isolationist power to the protector of democracy around the world. In order to completely grasp the impact the attack on Pearl HarborShow MoreRelatedThe United States And Japan3771 Words   |  16 PagesAfter the atomic bombs had fallen and Japan was smoldering, very few people thought the† land of the rising sun† would ever rise again. However, as history can attest, they were wrong. In the wake of the 1945 bombings, the occupation and subsequent reconstruction of Japan was begun, just a short month later. The reconstruction of Japan was spearheaded by the Supreme Commander of Allied Powers, General Douglas MacArthur, and was formulated before the smoke even cleared .This reconstruction plan openedRead MoreThe United States And Japan1345 Words   |  6 PagesDue to Japan never wanting to surrender to the United States of America, two bombs were dropped on two cities which were Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There were many reasons why the United States decided to launch their nuclear attack. One of those reasons was that they wanted to end t he war and save lives. An invasion would have cost too much and would have had a lot more people killed. Another reason was that the U.S didn’t want another war happening which was going to be Russia vs Japan. They intervenedRead MoreThe United States And Japan902 Words   |  4 PagesIn today world, the United States and Japan have a strong political, economic and military relationship. The United States considers Japan to be one of its closest allies and partners. Both countries are strong economic and political superpowers that help run the world. Both countries also support the preservation of political and economic freedoms as well as the support of human rights. However, despite modernization and American influence, the Japanese way of life is still vastly different thanRead MoreJapan And The United States1026 Words   |  5 PagesJapanese fleets on the U.S. city of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This takes place with two rivaling countries, Japan the United States. This pape r will give detail on this tragic event, and how it will end. Cause of Pearl Harbor Japan, after winning against the weak fleets of Russia, the felt powerful over the years. Having dominance over some countries. But what was her deal with the U.S.? To start, Japan increased the need of natural resources including Oil, Minerals, Steel. This also came with theirRead MoreThe United States And Japan1158 Words   |  5 Pagesoutcry from the public and leaders for something to be done to reduce the increasingly growing number of Japanese immigrants in the West Coast. Subsequent regulations placed on the Japanese in the United States made them aggravated. There was serious trouble brewing between the United States and Japan until the Japanese carried out attacks on Pearl Harbour in December 1941. After the attack on Pearl Harbor there was increased spread of propaganda from the press and local leaders against the peopleRead MoreDifferences Between Japan And The United States1605 Words   |  7 PagesDifferences in Business Culture and Ethics Between Japan and the United States Since Japan’s exit from isolation and entrance into global, cross cultural exchange, many aspects of the Japanese culture have been shaped and changed from their original traditionalism. Despite Western influence, however, Japan has been able to maintain a sense of cultural identity through unique practices that are rooted in the original culture. A prime example of this autonomy can be found when observing JapaneseRead MoreDifference Between Japan And The United States858 Words   |  4 Pagesdifferences. The Japanese management was expecting the American workers to be like the Japanese people. They did not quite understand that their are differences between Japan and the United States. The employees here in the United States will not work over time if they don’t get paid for it. In Japan, it is completely different. Japan employees will work for $8 and hour, and seven days a week with unpaid overtime. This is what the Japanese were expecting the workers to be like . There are lots of problemsRead MoreThe Confrontation Between Japan And The United States1493 Words   |  6 PagesThis confrontation between Japan and the United States impacted the battles to come in the Pacific. History has proven the island of Midway to be an important base for many operations during World War II. Had the United States lost this battle, the war may have reached a different outcome. The Battle of Midway proved to be a crucial point for the United States in preventing the Japanese from taking control of the Pacific region during World War II. If Midway had fallen into the hands of the JapaneseRead MoreJapan and the United States: Different but Alike!713 Words   |  3 PagesJapan and the United States:Different but Alike! The culture of a place is an integral part of its society whether that place is a remote Indian village in Brazil or a highly industrialized city in Western Europe. The culture of Japan fascinates people in the United States because, at first glance, it seems so different. Everything that characterizes the United States--newness, racial heterogeneity, vast territory, informality, and an ethic of individualism-- is absent in Japan. There, one findsRead MoreThe United States And Japan s Involvement1687 Words   |  7 Pagesbut watch as the United States dropped the world’s first atomic bomb on his hometown. Three days later, while terror was still raging in Hiroshima, the US dropped a second atomic bomb on Nagasaki. While it may seem inhumane for the US to have used such powerful weapons on Japan, the US had many reasons to use such drastic measures. The United States and Japan s involvement in WW2 led to the eventual use of atomic weapons causing a series of devastating ef fects that changed Japan and the world forever

Substance Abuse During Pregnancy - 889 Words

Substance Abuse During Pregnancy The use of controlled substances throughout pregnancy is a very prevalent issue among society today. Controlled substances have devastating effects on not only the mothers using the substances, but also infants while they are in utero and after they are born. Many infants born to mothers, who are abusing drugs, suffer from life threatening illnesses and are forever affected through adulthood. Specifically, heroin is a common drug form that is often used during pregnancy and results in the life threatening effects mentioned above. When a woman uses heroin while pregnant, her baby is at risk for many challenging effects that will ultimately follow him or her as they grow into an adult. As heroin enters a mother’s system, the drug crosses into the child through the placenta (â€Å"Heroin Addiction†, n.d.). While a baby is in utero, a mother’s substance abuse can cause a fetus to grow at a slower rate, lead to the rupturing of the mem branes surrounding the baby that results in premature labor, and cause a possible stillbirth, which means the fetus dies in the womb (â€Å"An Overview of Heroin†, n.d.). Substance abuse can also cause the placenta to separate from the uterine wall leading to dangerous heavy bleeding, which is a threat to both mother and child (â€Å"Heroin and Pregnancy,† 2015). Along with possible placenta abruption, the use of heroin can lead to the intrauterine passage of meconium (â€Å"Opioid Abuse,† 2012). After labor and delivery, the effectsShow MoreRelatedSubstance Abuse During Pregnancy?952 Words   |  4 Pages Substance abuse during pregnancy can range in variation from prescription drugs to non-prescription drugs to even alcohol. Substance abuse is more common during pregnancy than most people realize. This type of abuse is more common amongst pregnant women. Most the time substance abuse is hard to find in women. Pregnant women who go through substance abuse usua lly don’t seek any medical help. If an expecting mother uses any kind of drug it can result in many complications. Some complications thatRead MoreSubstance Abuse And Women During Pregnancy1374 Words   |  6 PagesSubstance Abuse and Women Through the years, substance misuse in the United States has turned into an industrious issue influencing numerous people. In 2008, it was assessed that 17.8 million Americans beyond 18 years old where substance subordinate. Women who use medications during pregnancy can have an enduring impact on fetal. Medications can have an impact of maternal and child wellbeing, yet there are a lot of different variables, which influence it, poor social environment, nourishment, cleanlinessRead MoreAddiction And Substance Abuse During Pregnancy952 Words   |  4 Pagesheroin during a pregnancy are not only harmful to mother and child during gestation but have many social and medical problems after birth of the child. In the first paragraph I describe how women might come to find themselves in the situation of abusing drugs and finding out they are pregnant. I will provide information on some signs or a profile of addiction and substance abuse in women. The next point I will cover is through an interesting study that shows what the mothers pregnancy , the babiesRead MoreDrug And Substance Abuse During Pregnancy1442 Words   |  6 Pages Introduction Drug and substance abuse have been the prevalent world over among pregnant women. Past studies had shown that this could have an adverse effect on the child development. UNICEF (2007) was at the forefront of agitating against drug and substance abuse during pregnancy. Studies had also found out that more than 20% of mothers in the United States alone had smoked during pregnancy (Coles, 2010).Alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, cocaine, prescription drugs and heroin are some of the drugs thatRead MoreSubstance Abuse During Pregnancy Essay765 Words   |  4 Pages Abusing substances such as illegal drugs or pain medications during pregnancy can cause harmful, long term effects to not only the mother, but also to the unborn infant. McQueen, Murphy-Oikonen, and Desaulniers (2015) stated that, â€Å"in the United States approximately 4.4% of pregnant women abuse 1 or more substances during pregnancy†¦ However, the true prevalence of substance use during pregnancy is difficult to determi ne due to underreporting likely because of the social undesirability, stigmatizationRead MoreMaternal Substance Abuse During Pregnancy Care Managers1186 Words   |  5 PagesMaternal substance abuse accounts for problematic health concerns in infants, according Forray (2016), â€Å"5.9% of pregnant women use illicit drugs, with usage age ranging from 15-44 years of age† (p.3).   Types of illicit substances used during pregnancy consist of Cocaine, Marijuana, Methamphetamine, Heroin, and an array of other illicit substances.   Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. For my immersion experience I choose to focus on the population of womenRead MoreHow Substance Abuse Negatively Affects The Baby While During1328 Words   |  6 PagesHow substance abuse negatively affects the baby while during a woman’s pregnancy. Many women across the world cause complications to their unborn child when they choose to abuse substance. There are many types of substance abuse such as alcohol, tobacco, and drug abuse. Most likely when women choose to engage in these types of activities it causes harm to the child and birth defects. Long term and short term deformities and conditions are present in the child. Other factors play a part into whyRead MoreWhy Pregnant Substance Abuse Should Be Treated As A Major Issue1441 Words   |  6 PagesThere are many reasons why pregnant substance abuse should be treated as a major issue. The effects of substance abuse on the mother, fetus, and the overall pregnancy can range from none to extremely harmful. Women who use drugs during their pregnancy commonly give birth to â€Å"crack babies† or â€Å"drug babies†. These babies can have developmental disabilities or other birth defects. The mother may give birth to a premature infant, underweight infant, or even have a stillborn birth. The drug use of a pregnantRead MoreMany Women Across The World Cause Complications To Their1657 Words   |  7 Pagesacross the world cause complications to their unborn child when they choose to abuse substance. There are many types of substance abuse such as alcohol, tobacco, and drug abuse. Most likely when women choose to engage in these types of activities it causes harm to the child and birth defects. Long term and short term deformities and conditions are present in the child. Other factors play a part into why women abuse, substance such as stress, depression, and mental issues. More treatment and pre-educationRead MoreRelationship Of Substance Abuse And Physical Abuse1622 Words   |  7 PagesRelationship of Substance Abuse and Physical Abuse in Preterm Birth In the year of 2010, more than 450 billion babies were born prematurely (Truong, Reifsnider, Mayorga, Spitler, 2013). At least 35% of infant deaths each year are caused from preterm births, which also costs the U.S health care more than 26 billions of dollars in the year of 2005 alone (Malloy, 2013).Premature birth affects the growth of the child and leads to various complications. Babies born before 37 weeks are at an amplified

King Henry Iv Essay Example For Students

King Henry Iv Essay Henry IV was born in April 1367 and was the only son of John of Gaunt, the son of Edward III, and Blanche, the daughter of Henry Grismond, Duke of Lancaster. Known as Henry of Bolingbroke after his birthplace in Lincolnshire, he was made a knight of the Garter in 1377. In 1380, at the age of 13, he married Mary de Bohun, the youngest daughter and coheiress of Humphrey, the last Earl of Hereford. They had four sons and two daughters before her death at the age of 24, in 1394. As the Earl of Darby, Henry entered the House of Lords in 1385. In 1387 he supported his uncle Thomas, Duke of Gloucester, in his opposition to Richard II. (Gloucester was also Richards uncle, and Henry was the Kings First cousin.)While taking part in the Merciless; Parliament of 1388, Henry regained the favor of the King and in 1390 departed on the Crusade to Lithuania and then to Jerusalem. Visiting the kings of Bohemia and Hungary and the Archduke of Austria and then Venice in 1392-1393, he went only as far as Rhodes and then returned to England as a popular hero. He soon entered the government; he served on the Council while Richard was absent in Ireland in 1395 and for his efforts was made Duke of Hereford in 1397. Henry soon quarreled with the Duke of Norfolk, each accusing the other of arranging the murder of the Duke of Gloucester and calling for a trial by battle. Both men were banished from the realm. Norfolk for life and Henry for 10 years with a proviso that he would be allowed to inherit from his father. But on the death of John of Gaunt in 1399, the Lancastrian estates were confiscated by the King, and Henry decided to return, seemingly to claim his promised inheritance. Taking advantage of the Kings absence in Ireland, Henry landed on July 4, 1399, at Ravenspur, near Bridington, where he was soon joined by the northern nobles who were unhappy with the policies of the monarchy. By the end of the month Henry and his followers had raised an army and marched to Bristol. When Richard returned in August, the royal army started to desert; Henry claimed the throne for himself, and on August 19 he captured Richard near Conway. He then went with his prisoner to London and there, on September 29, Richard abdicated the throne. On October 13 Parliament formally deposed Richard and transferred the crown to Henry. This parliamentary action had constitutional importance, since it revived the claim that Parliament had the power to create monarchs. Prior to his coronation, Henry condemned Richard to imprisonment, where the deposed monarch soon dies, possibly due to starvation. Once on the throne, Henry spent his reign solidifying his position and removing the threat posed by the nobles who supported Richard. Starting in 1400, Henry made expeditions in Scotland against the Duke of Albany and the 4th Earl of Douglas and in Wales against Owen Glendower. He was an active supporter of the Orthodox Church against the Lollards, and in 1401 De heretico comburendo, one of the most important medieval statues, was passed. In 1402 he married Joan of Navarre, the widow of John V, Duke of Brittany, who survived him without issue. In the north the Percy family rose against the King, but Henry defeated them in July 1403 at Shrewsbury and the following year at Dartmouth. A revolt by the 1st Earl of Northumberland, Archbishop Scrope, and the Earl Marshal was defeated in 1405, and 2 years later the Beauforts claims to the throne were ended. .u81d5294d10c422a05dc15310e84db1ba , .u81d5294d10c422a05dc15310e84db1ba .postImageUrl , .u81d5294d10c422a05dc15310e84db1ba .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u81d5294d10c422a05dc15310e84db1ba , .u81d5294d10c422a05dc15310e84db1ba:hover , .u81d5294d10c422a05dc15310e84db1ba:visited , .u81d5294d10c422a05dc15310e84db1ba:active { border:0!important; } .u81d5294d10c422a05dc15310e84db1ba .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u81d5294d10c422a05dc15310e84db1ba { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u81d5294d10c422a05dc15310e84db1ba:active , .u81d5294d10c422a05dc15310e84db1ba:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u81d5294d10c422a05dc15310e84db1ba .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u81d5294d10c422a05dc15310e84db1ba .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u81d5294d10c422a05dc15310e84db1ba .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u81d5294d10c422a05dc15310e84db1ba .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u81d5294d10c422a05dc15310e84db1ba:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u81d5294d10c422a05dc15310e84db1ba .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u81d5294d10c422a05dc15310e84db1ba .u81d5294d10c422a05dc15310e84db1ba-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u81d5294d10c422a05dc15310e84db1ba:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Thesis: Is There a God or is He(?) an Illusion? EssayBy the Battle of Brabham Moor in 1408, the domestic threats to the throne were ended, and Henry could turn his attention to the civil wars in France as well as reforming his household administration. He was able to defeat an attempt to force him to resign in favor of his more popular son (later Henry V), but his health declined, perhaps because of epilepsy. On March 20, 1413, he was seized with a fatal attack while praying at Westminster Abbey and died in the Jerusalem Chamber. He was buried at Canterbury.

Japanese Electronics Industry

Question: Discuss about the Japanese Electronics Industry. Answer: Introduction Controlling electric power is a science that is responsible for handling generation, switching and turning electrical energy into other forms of energy. This phenomenon is known as electronics. There are many types of electronic equipments such as different types of active parts of electron tube and resistors. It also includes different types of passive parts like transformers and coils, electrochemical like tuners and connectors, and functional as microphones and speakers. Our world has been lightened by electronics industry. For making our lives easier electronics have provided immense benefits to us. However, electronics not only improves and enhances our studies and research but also it enhances and improves communication (Don, n.d). In our daily life, electronic products provided many help to us. It helps in gaining knowledge about the current situation of the world while improving entertainments for instance, Gameboy, PlayStation, etc. It also supports medical world while diagnosing diseases at early stages. Apart from that, electronics also helps in building new agreements and trade forms i.e. evolving e-commerce that has a very low cost of operations and are very efficient. In modern competitive world, electronics devices can control the electric power, as they have started to use the component of semiconductor (Don, n.d). In the world of electronics, Japan is listed in the richest countries. Japan is known for cars, electronics, great culture and Zucchini. In the electronics market, electronics has entered its footsteps in Japan. In electronics world, Japanese manufacturers hold a leading position. Japan ranks third in the manufacturing industry of the world. It is also a member of the information technology component of WTO. Japan is the largest exporter of the component of semiconductor as well as a reputed producer. Apart from that, Toshiba and Sony are listed under the top 10 companies that buys semiconductor component and are considered as big manufacturers of semiconductor component. However, it can be said that Japan is competitive in terms of electronics market, as it is the home for innumerable companies other than Toshiba and Sony such as Canon, Nikon, Panasonic, Matsushita, Yamaha, TDK, NEC, Fujitsu, Fujifilm, etc. Lower cost of inputs and price of the product along with higher innovation i s the result of higher competition among the companies in the market (Ingo, Peter, and Ulrich, 2011). History of companies using Japanese Technologies It is about a story that has started in 1952. A Japanese company known as NHK has initiated radio broadcasting. At that time, emergence of radio buyers and sellers has started to emerge in the Japanese cities. Popularity of radio component has been seen in 1930. Japanese government in the year of 1960 had noticed the advantage of radio in the field of communication and started to supply raw materials to the radio manufacturers. Most of the Japanese companies had manufacture radio on the early 950s. Companies of Japan have developed video recorder, laser, CD player, technology, LCD sand transistor, VSH solar cell, Walkman and receivers (, n.d). Production of radio in huge amount has been started from 1952. In 1952, Japan produces television in masses. However, in 1960s, most of the Japanese families have the ambition of buying refrigerator, TV and washing machines. In 1959, the ratios of transistors, capacitors, and speakers production when compared to the rate of production in 1958 were 2:0, 2:0 and 2:4 respectively. 1957 is the year of internalisation of the Japanese companies to foreign locations. Many of the Japanese companies have targeted to open their office at United States. However, from the year of 1958, companies have started to export various Japanese techniques to different foreign nations. 1997 witnessed the increased production of electronics items from the year of 1955. It was 68.1 million to 9.35 trillion. In 1985, 13.6 million TV has been exported by Japan. In 1980s Japan had become the third largest manufacturers of TV in the world. In the late 1990s, it is seen that Japan has mastered in the production o f electronic goods to meet the demand of the domestic market. Moreover, Japanese companies had performed well in the manufacturing of digital camera, plasma TV, cell phones and car navigation system (Jeffrey, 2012). In 1980s semiconductor component was manufactured by Japan. Companies of Japan in todays world are considered as renowned market leader in the manufacturing of semiconductor component. Almost half of the worlds semiconductor productions are manufactured in Japan. Companies like Hitachi, Toshiba and NEC are listed as the top producer of semiconductor component in the world. However, due to economic recession in the year of 2008, Japanese companies fall due to the currency appreciation (Jeffrey, 2012). International Trade Theories and Japan Many theoretical frameworks explain international trade. Trade is defined as the exchange of products and services between many countries. Trade theories are of two types such as modern and classical. Classical theories are classified into many categories such as Comparative advantage, absolute advantage, Heckscher-Ohlin and Mercantilism. A countrys total quantity of silver and gold is known as Mercantilism. On the other hand, Adam Smith proposed the theory of absolute advantage that focused on the capability of a country while manufacturing products at a better quality than the other country. For instance, Japan has all the favourable conditions of producing electronic goods such as skilled and educated workers, competitive market landscape, and other aspects. Hence, it can be said that Japan faces less risk in producing electronics goods by Japanese companies (, n.d). Competitive advantage can be characterized at the situation where one country is capable of manufacturing higher quality products than the other countries. For instance, Japan has the capability of producing electronics items in an efficient manner compared to other categories of products such as jewellery, clothes and oil. After that, the Heckscher Ohlin theory highlights the fact that a country must sell its surplus production in terms of less expensive products. On the contrary, there are nations that will import products which require assets that are very rare. For instance, Japan imports crude oil and exports electronics. After the rise of World War II, rise of modern trade theories were identified (, n.d). The modern theory is alluded with the exchange of products manufactured in the same sector between two countries. It is advancement with the emergence of multinational companies. A good example is America imports Toshiba Laptops from Japan while it exports MacBook to Japan. Apart from that, when a nation directly invests into a product or service of a foreign country then it is known as Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). In 2016, Japan has witnessed the increment of FDI in of 44889 JPY hundred millions. From 1996 to 2016, Japan reaches 5370.12 JPY hundred millions and it has also recorded a low GDP of -3825.00 JPY Hundreds Million in 2010 (, 2016). Overall, in terms of growth of Japanese electronics industry international trade is responsible for creating a positive impact. It is seen that American inventions are found in most of the Japanese products. to avoid trade war between nations, Japan has invented a strategy of both exporting and importing goods. in 2014, Japan is ranked as fourth largest exporter and importer of goods. In 2015, the rank has shifted to one of the ten largest exporters. the whole Japanese electronics industry in 2015 has imported 490.2bn electronics goods and export $95.6bn goods. Some countries are capable of manufacturing products without the help of advanced technology. On the contrary, few companies adopt internalisation in order to get good economies of scale (Frankel, 1999). Porters Diamond For describing a competitive advantage of the country, Michael Porter has developed a model in 1990. The theory highlights the fact that the competitiveness of a nation is determined by the ability of the industries while developing and innovating things. It also illustrates the reason of choosing a particular industry. For instance, South Korea, Taiwan and Japan etc. are focused on electronics industry. Porter points out four determinants. They are demand conditions, local firm characteristics, factor conditions and complementary industries local suppliers. Local capabilities and market resources considers some factors such as skilled labour, infrastructure, technological base, etc while deciding the product selected for import and export of goods by a particular country. The second factor is demand condition that illustrates that local market is the best place for innovation while enabling competitive advantage. In terms of local suppliers, companies have to maintain a strong relation with the local suppliers in order to get a competitive advantage. Last is industry that will include construction, competition and strategy (, 2016). Innovation and quality is the result of increased level of competition. Porter has pointed out the role of government in controlling the competitiveness of the companies. For instance, free trade agreements are formulated for the benefit of foreign companies in a country. However, Government will invest in the electronics sector while encouraging the new entrants (, 2016). Conclusion It can be concluded that international trade theories have a vital role in creating a significant impact in appreciating international trade. Theories of international trade put emphasis on the production in larger quantities with lower cost of manufacturing. However, companies and government both implement these theories. Japan implements various theories of international trade in order to maintain good relations with other nation. Japan has advantage of having good hold over electronics industry but it also imports many electronic items. It is due to the high number of educated and skilled labours as well as electrical engineers. Investment of government in this industry has also developed the condition of the industry. However, Japanese government has not taken any steps to protect the domestic companies in this market. On the other hand, South Korea has introduced the free trade agreement to save the local markets from the foreign multinational giants.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The North American Frontier Contributed Greatly To Todays Essay Example For Students

The North American Frontier Contributed Greatly To Todays Essay The North American frontier contributed greatly to todaysAmerican culture. For nearly 150 years before independence, theAppalachian mountain range had been the American frontier, separatingcivilization from wilderness. When North America gained independenceand became the United States, however, people began to move morefreely across the frontiers, into the unknown. The land belonged tothem now, and they were free to explore it however deeply they choseclaiming at will what land they saw. One can explain Americandevelopment as the existence of a large area of free land constantlyreceding, and American settlement advancing westward. The differencein American institutions from those of any other nation is thatAmerican institutions have a way of adapting themselves to thegrowing, changing nation for which they were imposed. In addition,American development has shown itself to be not only an advance alonga single frontier, but a cycle of returning to primitive conditionsalong a constantly moving frontier line, then settling and civilizingthose areas. The American frontier is also unlike that of any othercountry in that most other countries have developed in a limited areaof which they knew the boundaries, meeting and conquering otherdeveloping nations around them. But in the case of North America, thefrontier was where savagery and civilization met, and nobody knew whatlay beyond it. The settlers of North America had no idea that thecontinent they had begun settling was so enormously vast; they simplytook nature as it came. The pioneers necessity to cope with naturalbarriers and survive in near anarchy, in essence beingself-sufficient, has greatly affected the American culture oftoday. We will write a custom essay on The North American Frontier Contributed Greatly To Todays specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now One of the areas affected by the frontier experience waspolitics. People on the frontier had to deal with whatever lifebrought them and make the best of it. They learned how to be veryindividualized, pushing their way through whatever barriers naturepresented. This individuality has led Americans to develop agovernment that facilitates individualism. We, the Americans, areusually suspicious, untrusting, and paranoid of the government becausewe like to be independent, individually solving whatever problemsarise in our path to the goal. This mentality is shown in the nationsprotests to the governments increasing tyranny and intervention inour personal lives; however, a changing, growing nation requireschanges in government. We believe in individualism, and we apply thisbelief to all aspects of our lives. In the so-called Wild West,government does not pay as close attention to peoples actions, andthis was where the vast majority of the nations reforms we know todayoriginated. For exampl e, initiative, the right of the citizens toinitiate a new law into the legislature; referendum, the citizensright to directly vote a law into action instead of passing it throughthe legislature; recall, the citizens to vote a corrupt legislatorout of office by way of petition; and term limits were all reformsborn in the West. The reason for the governments low involvement inWesterners daily lives is that for centuries, even to this day, manyparts of the West have still been developing their society,civilization, and state governments. In the East, where we have alwaysbeen on the civilized side of the frontier, people tend more to acceptthe governments rules, mentally coming to the conclusion that thereis nothing they can do about it. But in the West new ideas for reformare constantly being born. Of course, there must be a compromisebetween a totalitarian government and complete anarchy; too muchgovernment restricts freedom while too little government does notprovide the convenient g overnment services we may take for granted,and allows society to get far too out of hand. .ua42aa53b6ceb8bd5535cdd7d721afe79 , .ua42aa53b6ceb8bd5535cdd7d721afe79 .postImageUrl , .ua42aa53b6ceb8bd5535cdd7d721afe79 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua42aa53b6ceb8bd5535cdd7d721afe79 , .ua42aa53b6ceb8bd5535cdd7d721afe79:hover , .ua42aa53b6ceb8bd5535cdd7d721afe79:visited , .ua42aa53b6ceb8bd5535cdd7d721afe79:active { border:0!important; } .ua42aa53b6ceb8bd5535cdd7d721afe79 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua42aa53b6ceb8bd5535cdd7d721afe79 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua42aa53b6ceb8bd5535cdd7d721afe79:active , .ua42aa53b6ceb8bd5535cdd7d721afe79:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua42aa53b6ceb8bd5535cdd7d721afe79 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua42aa53b6ceb8bd5535cdd7d721afe79 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua42aa53b6ceb8bd5535cdd7d721afe79 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua42aa53b6ceb8bd5535cdd7d721afe79 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua42aa53b6ceb8bd5535cdd7d721afe79:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua42aa53b6ceb8bd5535cdd7d721afe79 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua42aa53b6ceb8bd5535cdd7d721afe79 .ua42aa53b6ceb8bd5535cdd7d721afe79-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua42aa53b6ceb8bd5535cdd7d721afe79:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Antigone (495 words) EssayThe United States of America is a diverse but tolerant socialmixing pot. Unlike most other nations, America is a safe haven formany, many races and religions. People of a particular race or ethnicgroup usually live in clusters, minimally interfering with outsiders;taking this into mind, however, many immigrants are still amazed bythe high level of tolerance America holds. Our tolerance comes fromthe fact that so many ethnic groups arrived here during thesettlement, and that the black African slaves intermingled with thewhite community enough to earn that tolerance. Furthermore, in theWest many different types of people can settle without upsetting oneanother because of the vast empty space out west to separate them. Inaddition to our toleration of race and religion, America gives moreprivileges to its women than most other countries. This anomalyresults from the fact that during settlement the women were requiredto do certain mandatory work. They had nearly the same status as menin most aspects of their lives. In the fully civilized society ofmodern America, however, women are not required to do the same jobs asmen, and are thus on a lower status level. To this day, however,compared to other nations American women still have many more rightssuch as owning land, voting, and performing mens jobs. Education isanother aspect of social life affected by the frontier. Public schoolswere necessary to educate children at the time of settlement. Nosooner than the pioneers arrived here than the first public schoolswere set up. Our society today is still affected by this craze tolearn. America is constantly encouraging its children to s tay inschool, and American colleges are some of the best in the world. The frontier also affected modern American economy. Duringsettlement, people did not need or want a government to interfere withthe countrys economy. Thus a laissez-faire economic system wasestablished. Laissez-faire is a term to describe an economy in whichthe government interferes very little in day-to-day economic activity,and such a system is very closely related to capitalism. Economy inAmerica is one of speculation and risk taking; America was settled soquickly because of the fact that everything was abundant and extremelyavailable or easy get. Speculation was in fact not a great risk at allat that time, and even now, so people would take great risks knowingthat the odds were so greatly in their favor. Still today, Americansnearly throw their money into whatever new company they think has achance, and, not surpsingly, often come out richer than one coulddream. Americans also have a strong technological bias, and are apeople of tools and gadgets, so to speak. We have been such a ninventive country because of the fact that we always needed to devisesome way to get around an obstacle we found in nature. Another way, perhaps one of the most important, in which thefrontier has drastically affected modern American life ispsychologically. Americans in general enjoy solving problems orpuzzles, and Americans will usually at least make an attempt to solveany problems that confront them. This problem-solving personality inmany Americans goes back to the fact that there were innumerable tasksand problems set before the average settler each day: How do I getacross this stream? through this forest? build something on thisforest? keep the wild animals away? get food to eat? It is easy tosee that the settlers had no choice but to solve these problems oneway or another, or they would die. One negative aspect about thepsychology of our society is that we are one of violence-more violentthan many other nations on Earth. This way of violence with usresulted from the fact that out on the frontier when there was nogovernment, each man would have to settle his own problems, and if itinvolved violence o r killing, so be it. No one would even notice. .uf98b8d7cd9e7c1693ea67ba68a7af27a , .uf98b8d7cd9e7c1693ea67ba68a7af27a .postImageUrl , .uf98b8d7cd9e7c1693ea67ba68a7af27a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf98b8d7cd9e7c1693ea67ba68a7af27a , .uf98b8d7cd9e7c1693ea67ba68a7af27a:hover , .uf98b8d7cd9e7c1693ea67ba68a7af27a:visited , .uf98b8d7cd9e7c1693ea67ba68a7af27a:active { border:0!important; } .uf98b8d7cd9e7c1693ea67ba68a7af27a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf98b8d7cd9e7c1693ea67ba68a7af27a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf98b8d7cd9e7c1693ea67ba68a7af27a:active , .uf98b8d7cd9e7c1693ea67ba68a7af27a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf98b8d7cd9e7c1693ea67ba68a7af27a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf98b8d7cd9e7c1693ea67ba68a7af27a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf98b8d7cd9e7c1693ea67ba68a7af27a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf98b8d7cd9e7c1693ea67ba68a7af27a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf98b8d7cd9e7c1693ea67ba68a7af27a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf98b8d7cd9e7c1693ea67ba68a7af27a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf98b8d7cd9e7c1693ea67ba68a7af27a .uf98b8d7cd9e7c1693ea67ba68a7af27a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf98b8d7cd9e7c1693ea67ba68a7af27a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: American transcendentalism EssayEveryone would always be fully armed because they knew what peoplewould do to solve a conflict. Although we are a violent people,however, we believe in egalitarianism, that everyone is equal instatus. There were simply so many types of people, rich or poor, thatworked in the same way, earning money the same way, that a classsystem was not important. American psychology was deeply impacted bythe frontier experience. The frontier experience was very important in shaping modernAmerican culture. American development, moving from the known into theunknown, has drastically affected the way Americans live and functiontoday.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Sample Essay For Negotiable Instruments

Sample Essay For Negotiable InstrumentsWhen working with a potential client, it's always best to have an extensive set of sample essays on hand. If you don't, chances are good that you will be asked to produce one. Here are the steps to create your own.Begin by writing down your objectives. The objective should include what you hope to accomplish with the sample essay. For example, if you are a representative for the 'motor vehicle industry', then the objective should explain how you intend to make your company stand out. In addition, you may need to define what you hope to gain by using a sample essay.A simple and easy way to get started is to create a list of the services or products that you offer. Make sure to include the niche you wish to target, which could be automotive, motorcycling, lawn care, etc. When creating your list, be sure to take into account how you can create a great one. After all, the purpose of using a sample essay is to inform potential clients of your company 's abilities.When you begin writing a sample essay, there are several important elements that you must fully consider. First, you should always consider yourself as a writer. Even if you are not a professional, you still need to consider what you would like to achieve. Write from the perspective of your audience. Find ways to communicate effectively without sounding too stiff.Next, consider the audience. While you cannot speak for every audience, you can at least share the knowledge that you possess with your audience. For instance, if you are writing a sample for automobile dealers, be sure to mention how your company can meet the needs of the average person.Format is also very important. Formatting a sample should be done in such a way that it makes sense to the reader. Before you begin, look for the most clear and concise format possible.Finally, there are three main techniques that you can use when creating a sample essay. These include content-rich, paragraph-length and straigh t forward. The content-rich approach can help you write an essay that has a good mix of news and opinion. The paragraph-length style gives you enough space to write an interesting introduction.As you can see, the importance of having a sample essay is to give your audience a taste of your company. In addition, using a quality essay can actually increase your client's likelihood of making a purchase. As you write, remember that your purpose is to build relationships and create a professional image.

Monday, March 16, 2020

s Paradox

Consumerism, Society’s Paradox! Consumerism, a term likely unfamiliar to many, describes a condition which dramatically impacts our very existence. Consumerism interferes with the workings of society by replacing the normal desire for an adequate supply of life’s necessities, community life, a stable family, and healthy relationships, with an artificial ongoing and instable quest for things and the money to buy them with little regard for the actual product purchased. Countless people, in many of the world’s industrialized nations, spend the vast majority of their lives toiling through mounds of work, all to achieve one common reward, Money. All of these hours are spent in the name of leisure or a better way of life yet this is the very experience that it deprives from us. To better understand the true cause and effect of this monster that is consumerism, we need to take a look at what it is. In a sense, consumerism is that new CD that you have got to buy or the new car that if you are not able to get, you simply will not be able to continue. When you desire a non-essential product marketed in the leisure arena, you contribute to the escalation of consumerism. The United States, with only six percent of the world’s total population, consumes in excess of thirty percent of its resources (Enough, Campaign). When you have something that you absolutely want, and the key word here is want, what do you do? The average person, when in such a situation, reacts by simply working longer hours or taking on some other type of work to supplement their income. This altered work style leads to the perpetuation of a materialistic society that rapidly forgets the fundamental values which civilization has been based on for many years. The age-old question is: ca n money buy you happiness? This is the fundamental subject that corporate America plays on in its drive to expand a dwindling market place. Consumers tend to underestimate the real pow... 's Paradox Free Essays on Consumerism, Society\'s Paradox Consumerism, Society’s Paradox! Consumerism, a term likely unfamiliar to many, describes a condition which dramatically impacts our very existence. Consumerism interferes with the workings of society by replacing the normal desire for an adequate supply of life’s necessities, community life, a stable family, and healthy relationships, with an artificial ongoing and instable quest for things and the money to buy them with little regard for the actual product purchased. Countless people, in many of the world’s industrialized nations, spend the vast majority of their lives toiling through mounds of work, all to achieve one common reward, Money. All of these hours are spent in the name of leisure or a better way of life yet this is the very experience that it deprives from us. To better understand the true cause and effect of this monster that is consumerism, we need to take a look at what it is. In a sense, consumerism is that new CD that you have got to buy or the new car that if you are not able to get, you simply will not be able to continue. When you desire a non-essential product marketed in the leisure arena, you contribute to the escalation of consumerism. The United States, with only six percent of the world’s total population, consumes in excess of thirty percent of its resources (Enough, Campaign). When you have something that you absolutely want, and the key word here is want, what do you do? The average person, when in such a situation, reacts by simply working longer hours or taking on some other type of work to supplement their income. This altered work style leads to the perpetuation of a materialistic society that rapidly forgets the fundamental values which civilization has been based on for many years. The age-old question is: ca n money buy you happiness? This is the fundamental subject that corporate America plays on in its drive to expand a dwindling market place. Consumers tend to underestimate the real pow...

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Problems with real estate career during the recession Research Paper

Problems with real estate career during the recession - Research Paper Example ..11 Works Cited†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.12 Executive Summery Real estate market is among the most dynamic market in history. Despite the fact that the market is not that large, many processes need to run successfully. Many economic issues as well as legal matters that make operation in it not that easy bind this market. Investing in real estate is only profitable when the economic gaps are high, but quite challenging in low economic seasons. Working n real estate does not offers difficulties to the investors only, but also to their selling agents. Brokers normally earn handsomely in peak seasons despite some few challenges they encounter during their marketing. However, in recession times a lot of risk with little satisfaction is what they encounter in the job. There are several challenges that they meet in their operation, including the fac t that this sector is much dominated among few buyers at the recession times. This creates a very stiff competitive environment that discourages their prosperity. Marketing real estate products pose difficulty due to the high expectation from the sellers from the brokers. Despite the economic falls, sellers still expect to fetch great prices for their products that become unachievable by the agents. Emerging trends in the real estate such as such as Mortgage Assistance Relief, MID and QRM creates changes in the brokers work environment. This forces the brokers to adjust to the running occupational changes that normally are not easy. During economic scarcity loaning system are much reduced that only a few clients are available in the market. The agents hence find no market for their services in the market. In such cases generally earns very little to support them. Because of these challenges, working in this career is normally very hard, and mitigation measures are necessary to prote ct this employment sector. Several recommendations encompassing legal aspect, market protection, financial security, diversification, technological adaptation and teamwork have been proposed for implementation to see these groups succeed and enjoy their career. This proposal was made after a rigorous research and study in the field. Introduction For many years, the lives of real estate agents have been unbearable, especially during recessions. Due to this, the brokers sent their pleas to the ministry of labour in the late 2007, following the start of 2007 and 2009 recession. This was taken as an appropriate moments since studies could reveal situations of the real estate brokers from the start to the end of economic hard times. The Ministry in turn sent a group of experts to study the problem and recommend as appropriate. This report was presented to me, a broker and the secretary of the real estate brokers in the Washington. Besides, the report was tabled before the representatives of real estate agents, real estate investors and representatives from government policy makers and planners. This was carried out in a two days seminar in Washington. The report was aimed at

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Older Adulthood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Older Adulthood - Essay Example This means that some diseases and health defects associated with old age can be prevented or at least reduced if proper care is taken. I will advocate for routine medical checkup for me and my friends so that these many complications are avoided in future. For example, it has come to my attention that avoiding exposure to environmental toxins and other hazards and also getting faster access to healthcare can avoid these complications. For a successful transition into old age, I will from now henceforth advice those with old age to accept the change, be sociable and also employ spiritual faith. Older adults require religious support and spiritual nourishment to enable them cope as I have just realized. Another way of coping is by keeping old and retired people busy by volunteering. This enable them overcome depression associated with old age, widowhood or caring for a sick partner. Having family members visit the old is refreshing to them (Kail and Cavanaugh 519). Old people are sometimes neglected or abused. This is not good as they require as minimum stress as possible. I have a changed opinion about old age, and will from now on emphasize on love and care for the old people. From this class, I have learnt of better ways of caring for and helping the older people. I have also gained an insight that can enable me advice old people into successful transition to old age. Plus, it has changed my view on old age. Old is

Friday, January 31, 2020

Expo-magic of the white city Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Expo-magic of the white city - Essay Example The documentary also makes a description of Midway Plaisance and features sideshows, belly dancing, street fighting, a large Ferris wheel and even salons and other activities that marked the beginning of the 21st century. The legacy that the ventures in the documentary left is also not left outside of the discussion in the documentary (Connelly, 2). 1) Discussing How the Columbian World's Fair Highlighted the Technological Delights and Cosmopolitan Pleasures of the Progressive Era There are several ways by which the Columbian world's fair highlighted the technological delights of the progressive era. One of these ways is the large Ferris wheel which served as the paragon of technological and industrial advancement. These are non-building structures comprising the rotating upright wheel and passenger cars [gondolas]. These are kept attached to the wheel in a manner that as the wheel turns; the force of gravity keeps the cars upright. It is for this reason that at the end of the 20th c entury, roller coaster, theme parks and carnival observations became increasingly popular. Conversely, there are also ways by which the Columbian world’s fair reflected the cosmopolitan pleasures of the progressive era. Some of these manifestations of the cosmopolitan pleasures of the aforementioned era include acts of revelry such as belly dancing, street fighting, riding on and participating in roller coaster rides, theme parks and carnival observations. ... 2) Discussing How The Fair Highlighted The Imperialism of The Late Nineteenth Century And How The Anglo Saxon Culture of The West Tried To Dominate The Culture of The Rest of The World Through Colonization It is a fact that the fair highlighted the imperialism of the 19th century. The Anglo Saxon culture of the West tried to dominate the culture of the rest of the world through colonization by using superior weapons that they had acquired from their industrial revolution and development that took place before the close of the 20th century. With these superior weapons, colonial masters were able to safely travel the world in search of more colonies, and to bring the autochthones into capitulation, whenever the two groups came across each other. It is the same technological advancement that helped the Anglo Saxon culture of the West entrench the unequal relations between themselves and their colonies. Particularly, the technological advancement allowed the Anglo Saxons to extract resou rces from colonies and transport them to the United Kingdom for processing and use. In another wavelength, the fair highlights how the Anglo Saxon culture of the West tried to dominate other cultures through colonization through the use of the concept of socio-cultural atavism. Because of being technologically endowed, the Anglo Saxon felt that it was more culturally advanced and that in this respect; it had the mandate and call to bring other societies that were perceived to be uncivilized, into civilization. Interestingly, colonialism was to be the conduit and model through which this civilization of colonies was to be socio-culturally emancipated. Conversely, the Anglo Saxons of

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Glimmer of Hope Essay -- Analysis, Carl Sandburg

In the darkest of places, the hardest of times, or the lowest of lows, hope can always be found. â€Å"Hope Is a Tattered Flag,† by Carl Sandburg, illustrates where hope can be found, even when it seems like all is lost. This optimistic poem focuses on the depth of hope and the many aspects of life in which it lies. The setting of the work is in America amid a time of depression and hardship during the 1930s. In these trying times, all people were struggling to find their own gleam of hope anywhere they could. Sandburg speaks to every class of people, especially appealing to the common man who faced the most hardships during this time, with his unrhymed and simple writing style. He uses images of familiar places such as steel mills and salesrooms to speak to the working class citizens, and displays simple symbols of hope that can be found in these places. Also, the poem uses specific word choices, allusions, and metaphors to further depict the symbols of hope encountered in the poem. Sandburg incorporates the concept of hope with the instability of America during the 1930s with the use of vivid imagery, word choice and a writing style of free-verse to convey his theory of hope throughout the poem. Carl Sandburg was born on January 6, 1878, in Galesburg, Illinois. In his early years of schooling, he only advanced as far as the eighth grade before having to leave school to help support his family by working many different jobs that included brick laying and shining shoes. After working a variety of jobs, Sandburg traveled as a hobo until enlisting in the military when the Spanish-American War broke out in 1898. When he returned from the war, he went back to school at Lombard College, which was the place where he first learned of his... ...ct different visions of hope. In his poem, Sandburg deliberately uses a free-verse style of writing. This style is better-suited for Sandburg’s purpose in writing the poem because it directly emphasizes the point of each line while appealing to the common man. The first line of the poem expresses, â€Å"Hope is a tattered flag and a dream out of time† (Sandburg 120). Here, â€Å"tattered† provides an indication of conflict. The â€Å"dream out of time† is signifying that the dream of hope is of another era. During the time of the depression, the American people had so many troubles that they felt hope was unreachable to them. Mahony explains that this image â€Å"portrays hope as a survivor, emerging not unscathed from battle† (129). Sandburg uses clear and understandable language in his free-verse style to get his point across to all types of people in an understandable manner.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Most Lethal Sniper in American History Essay

Chris Kyle was a natural born killer from the first time he was handed a gun. Born in Odessa, Texas, he began hunting with his own rifles and shotguns at age eight. After he finished school, he became a professional bronco rider, but his career ended quickly after he injured his arm. After his arm healed he turned to the military for a job, but was turned down because of the pins in his arm. After a few months he received a call and was invited to the training for the Navy SEALS. He ended up becoming a sniper in SEAL Team 3 and served four tours of duty in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Over the four tours of duty, Kyle racked up 255 claimed kills and 160 confirmed kills. His longest successful shot was 2,100 yards or 1.2 miles, just outside Sadr City in 2008. Chivalric Codes were a huge part of a knight’s life, was developed to keep knights in check during a time where laws were difficult to come by. They generally consisted of honoring the church, protecting and serving the people, the lord of the land and the country, being honorable as a person, perseverance, honoring your enemy, protecting women and children, and to protect your fellow knights. Chris Kyle upheld the Code of Chivalry in many ways but in others he did not. These breaks in the code were not always his fault though, because of the radical change in war from the middle ages to now, and the decisions of whether to protect his countrymen or the values of chivalry. Kyle’s first kill was an example of a decision between elements of the code. A woman with a grenade was approaching a group of Marines. Kyle was reluctant to shoot a woman, which is generally against the Rules Of Engagement, and most soldiers’ moral standards. He hesitated before shooting her and saving his troops lives. He said afterward that he was angry at the woman for putting him in that situation. It was the only time he ever killed anyone other than a male enemy. Another way that he strayed from the Code of Chivalry, was that he claims that all of his actions were done out of necessity, not for glory. He constantly repeats that no true hero ever does anything for glory. He says throughout his book that all of his kills were necessary to protect his fellow soldiers. The last way that Chris Kyle broke the code of chivalry was that most of his kills were unfair fights. His training and weapons gave him a huge advantage over his Iraqi adversaries, who were equipped with low-tech equipment and had no training. He often shot enemies from far away in concealed hiding spots, and sometimes in the back. This was a huge infraction in medieval times, but with the advances in warfare and technology, in order to stay alive on the battlefield today you must kill your enemy as soon as possible or he could kill you in an instant. Kyle was not totally against the code of chivalry though, he was a devout Christian, as you would expect as his father was a Sunday school teacher. He justifies his killings by citing that the Commandment is against murder, and killing innocent people not against killing people trying to kill you and your countrymen. Kyle also shows exceptional patriotism and service to his country and the President, our equivalent to a knight’s king. He was awarded two silver stars and five bronze stars with valor, but denies that he ever did anything special to deserve them. He says any soldier would have done the same thing to protect the freedom of America and its people. All in all, Chris Kyle will always be remembered as a hero in the War on Terror, and a modern day testament to the values of chivalry. Although he was not able to uphold all of the values, he did the best he could in the situations he was put in. It is impossible for him to uphold a code as old as that in the changing conditions of war. Many parts are just not feasible to the modern day soldier. With what Kyle was able to accomplish and be able to uphold the standards that he did, Chris Kyle was definitely as chivalrous as he could possibly be. Works Cited Kyle, Chris. American Sniper. N.p.: HarperCollins, n.d. Print. Seidl, Jonathon M. â€Å"This Navy SEAL Sniper Is the ‘Deadliest in U.S. History’ — Can You Guess His Longest Shot?† The Blaze. N.p., 2 Jan. 2012. Web. 04 Oct. 2012. . Smith, Terry. â€Å"What Are the Rules of Engagement With Military Use of Force?† EHow. N.p., 16 Feb. 2012. Web. 4 Oct. 2012. .

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Tempest By William Shakespeare - 1232 Words

Qiuyu Tian(Damon) 11/19/2014 Core-106 Professor John Holzwarth Long Paper Assignment Throughout The Tempest by William Shakespeare, there is a complex interplay that is defined by the different characters that has extraordinary sense of styles. For instance, the protagonist Prospero, who can be defined as a magus or duke, shows the audience the clear personality traits insipidly with the process of the story. On the other hand, Caliban, who is Prospero’s dark, earthy slave, who is the son of a witch-hag, and the only native on the island. He is an extremely complex character in the play, even he is not the main character of the play, and seems as a totally different role as Prospero. He shares the similarities with the protagonist Prospero. The play was written in 1623, when the European countries were in the midst of their age of exploration. Pioneers and navigators from those European countries like England and Spain were traveling all around the world and brought thousands of new ideas and stories about the world. Shakespeare was also one of the members in the Virginia Company, â€Å"which refers collectively to a Joint stock company chartered by James 1 on 10 April 1606 with the purposes of establishing settlements on the coast of North America.†(Cite) Thus, even Caliban and Prospero shares some similarities with each other, they refer to two different worlds, the savage world and the civilized Europe. The Prospero’s final victory to get his dukedom, revenge to his enemiesShow MoreRelatedThe Tempest By William Shakespeare1603 Words   |  7 PagesShakespeare’s play, The Tempest, power is manifested in several forms: the investigation of the power of love, the power of magic and illusion, or the power of nature. However, in The Tempest, power is most clearly defined as dominance. Throughout the play, there is a universal pursuit of dominance over other people, dominance over property, or dominance over cultural ideals. These pursuits of dominance are used in an attempt to further ones author ity, and, ultimately, one’s life. In The Tempest, a motif ofRead MoreThe Tempest By William Shakespeare1705 Words   |  7 PagesLiterature Mr. Nath 5 December 2014 The Tempest Written between 1610 and 1611, The Tempest by William Shakespeare is the final play penned by the famous Bard. The play portrays the illusory struggle of power and conscience through the character of Prospero and his egocentric motives. Politically, the play can be seen as an analysis of important political issues relevant to that of oppression and imperialistic tendencies of the time. Artistically, The Tempest emphasizes the nature of art, more prominentlyRead MoreThe Tempest By William Shakespeare1351 Words   |  6 Pagescritique rank’s Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ as one of the most preeminent and descriptive plays addressing the role of colonial power and conquest in literature. One of Shakespeare’s last plays, ‘The Tempest’ explores the direct parallel between the working proletariats and wealthy bourgeois. Therefore the focuses of this paper are the implications of hegemony and class alienation, the commoditization of human subc lasses, and the commonalities with â€Å"The Tempest† and Shakespeare’s life. The analysisRead MoreThe Tempest By William Shakespeare Essay1215 Words   |  5 PagesThe greatest playwright of English literature was William Shakespeare. His final play that he wrote alone was The Tempest, the story of how the former Duke of Milan, Prospero, returned to power after being exiled on an island for twelve years. While reading The Tempest, it is hard not to notice the ambivalence of the character of Prospero. Consequently, the character’s motivation and subsequent characteristics are solely defined by the reader. Typically, Prospero is seen as driven by either revengeRead MoreThe Tempest by William Shakespeare1042 Words   |  4 Pages William Shakespeare uses the events of the plot to present a theme of how a lust for power can drive actions. The specific settings of scenes help clarify the desires for power in the characters and how they plan to achieve them. The Tempest provides insight, through Prospero, into the question of how our decisions reveal our character. The Tempest is filled with examples of strong manipulation and how much is too much. The title of this play used both literally and metaphorically explains the overallRead MoreThe Tempest by William Shakespeare1858 Words   |  8 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s The Tempest refines his portrayal of nature from the earlier play A Midsummer Night’s Dream. In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, nature is shown to be mysterious presence that blurs the lines between reality and illusion; it is a magical force that is unreachable and incomprehensible for human beings. A Midsummer Night’s Dream gives nature a mischievous, playful, dreamlike feel because in this play nature interferes for the sake of love. The Tempest breaks down the barrier that dividesRead MoreThe Tempest By William Shakespeare899 Words   |  4 PagesThe tempest by William Shakespeare is a story about a man named Prospero and his daughter Miranda. Within the story Prospero does almost everything for his daughter. Prospero takes one the mother’s role and finds Miranda a fiance. Telling her the truth about how they came about to end up on the island. Prospero protecting Miranda at all costs making sure nothing hurts her. The Attitude prospero has towards Miranda when compared to the attitude towards others. Thought some of the things he s doneRead MoreThe Tempest By William Shakespeare950 Words   |  4 PagesThe Tempest is a play that seems to be about a group of shipwrecked nobles, when in actuality it is a critique of the destructive effects of one group forcing its ideas on another. William Shakespeare wrote The Tempest in the early 1600’s, a time when England was beginning to assert itself as a superpower by colonizing other countries. In The Tempest Prospero is a callous character who mistreats Caliban, and as a result, Caliban becomes resentful and bitter, but unable to rule himself; ultimatelyRead MoreThe Tempest By William Shakespeare1446 Words   |  6 PagesThe Tempest is a play written by William Shakespeare around 1610 toward the end of his career as a poet and playwright. The Tempest fits in the genre of tragicomedy. The genre blends aspects of tragedy and romance together which are depicted in a humorous way. The Tempest is set on an island where its location is unspecified. The play finds Prospero and Miranda, ousted former Duke of Milan and his daughter, living in exile on an island with Caliban, its lone native inhabitant. Change affects theRead MoreThe Tempest By William Shakespeare2017 Words   |  9 PagesThe Tempest is one of Shakespeare’s most well-known plays, and as such, has been examined in many different ways by many different people. In the world of literature, there are a few different distinct styles of review that are used to examine works of literature, these are called schools of critique or critical lenses. All of these schools serve a purpose in examining different themes in a work depending on the work, and the tempest is no exception. The Tempest has many sub themes in the story